For many drivers, hearing that it will actually be illegal to hold your phone up to your ear while driving is hard to get used to. But the fines that you'll receive if you break this law may help you to get yourself in gear a lot quicker.
Here's a breakdown: 1st offense could run you up to $76 dollars, and each offense after that...about $190. This of course includes court costs, taxes, etc. But any way you look at it, it ain't pretty. Drivers already have enough to worry about when it comes to paying fees...speeding, parking tickets...you name it! I guess the answer is...don't break the law and you won't have to pay. It's easy to say, but is it possible? On those days I'm rushing to work...my answer may be no.

On that note, I better go charge my Bluetooth. See you on the road....with BOTH hands on the wheel!