London is incredible! This picture was taken while I was standing on the London Bridge. To get there, I took the subway, but here they call it the Tube. It's amazing how quickly you can get around town by using the London Underground system. One thing I found interesting...there are signs everywhere in the Tube stations that say "Mind the Gap". At first, you have no idea what they're talking about. The phrase refers to the area between the subway entrance and where people stand before getting on. Last year, there were 57 deaths involving people falling into the gap onto the electric rails below, or they'd get hit by the subway car itself. Yeah, that would suck, but you really have to not be paying attention for this to happen. If you don't hear the subway coming, then you have issues! I'm sure those that have been hit were tourists, because the locals know the underground system inside and out.

But the city overall is amazing...as well as the night life. Last night, we cruised through SoHo and Camden Square...and the clubs were packed. One thing you ought to know before coming here is that it's beyond expensive. One pound = $2 American dollars. So when the cover for the club is 20 pounds....you do the math. Wow...prepare to be broke! You may recall hearing about the Camden Lock Market. That's where the huge fire was recently. It burned down a couple of cafes and stores...apparantly a few favorites of celebrities. The locals aren't into all the hype. They say, "we don't fancy celebrities". "Fancy" is their word for "like".

We still have several days to enjoy this great city, then it's off to Paris. There's nothing like international travel...especially meeting fascinating people from other countries. Cheers!