Last night, I covered the Dodger's Game at the LA Coliseum. The boys in blue were celebrating the Big 5-0...and the fact that they were playing the game at the Coliseum was historic. Not since 1961 have the Dodgers played here! Before Dodger Stadium was created, the Dodgers called the Coliseum home from 1958 - 1961.

Over 110,000 fans were in attendance, and the Coliseum is equipped to seat 97,000 baseball fans. It was the most attended baseball game in history! To fit all the extra people, they opened up "standing room only" areas.
The Dodgers lost to the Boston Red Sox 7 - 4, so let's just say fans were fired up. And if you think the game was crazy, it didn't compare to my liveshot after the game. The lights came on...and it was like moths to a flame. I got a few words out before my story aired, but after I came back live, craziness ensued. The crowd got so rowdy, I got bowled over, literally, on live TV.
It was a sea of blue...and after this shot, I was seeing black and blue. You can see the clip on KTLA.com. Good times.