To ride or not to ride...that is the question. With gas prices hovering just below 5 dollars, the metro is looking like a pretty good option right now. LA residents are jumping on the bandwagon, or shall we say metro car, in support.

Results of a new study out today show that 73 percent of LA County residents surveyed would support a proposed half-cent sales tax on the November 2008 ballot to fund transportation infrastructure improvements. These results couldn't have come at a better time. At this Thursday's Los Angeles Metro Board meeting, members will discuss this the hopes of putting it in the hands of voters this November.
It was just last week on June 19th when commuters were urged to "Dump the Pump". The Third Annual National Dump the Pump campaign raised awareness of the financial and environmental benefits of public transportation. But did the campaign really make an impact? Honestly, the freeways were still packed on that day. I do have to admit though, it's hard to drive a mile without seeing at least 4 or 5 hybrids on the road...mostly the Toyota Prius.

Will the going green, going car-less trend catch on with LA and OC drivers? At the rate these gas prices are climbing, going metro may be the only wallet-friendly alternative. Let's hope that employers will lend their support to the cause and maybe offer some type of "metro" incentive. Sound too good to be true? It's not. The University of California, Irvine (UCI) has already begun the trend by offering to pay for a portion of their employees' weekly Metro Pass. Going green while saving some green...a win-win situation.