Records were broken once again at last night's game, and it's not a good thing for the Lakers. No team had ever overcome more than a 15-point deficit after the first quarter and it was the largest comeback in the Finals since 1971, surpassing Houston's comeback from a 20-point deficit to Orlando in 1995.
97 to 91 was the final score, and the Celtics worked their butts off to get the win. Honestly, during the 2nd quarter, I probably felt like many viewers thinking we got this in the bag. Wow...were we wrong! The second half was a trainwreck, and the Lakers were certainly de-railed. Kobe said it best, ""We let a huge opportunity slip away." Then it cracked me up when he said that "they wet the bed" when he was describing their embarrassing performance during one of the biggest chokes in NBA Finals history. I wonder if this had to do with his comments about how much he was going to drink last night to try to forget about the game. In case you didn't catch it, here was his alcohol wish list: lots of wine, beer and about 20 shots. Sounds like the party was at Kobe's!

Game 5 is Sunday night at Staples. No team has recovered from a 3-1 deficit in the Finals. Will the Lakers beat the odds or drop the ball again?
Los Angeles dads are counting on Sunday night, which is Father's Day, to be a turning point in the series. No pressure.