Stilettos, short skirts and plenty of cleavage, and no, I'm not talking about the movie. I'm describing the women at the theater. Thousands of female fans hit the Arc Light Hollywood last night for the opening day of Sex and the City: The Movie. After four years away from their characters...Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha are bringing sex back to this city! After talking to many of these L.A. moviegoers, I found out that the majority of women identify with Sarah Jessica Parker's character, Carrie. One woman told me that Carrie is complex and has issues...and that is why woman can identify with her. Hey, she said it...not me!

It's obvious that women of all ages are attracted to this movie more so than men, but I have to say, I did see a couple guys in line. Many of them told me that their girlfriends and wives dragged them to this movie. But after talking with them further, turns out they are bigger fans than their ladies. One guy blew me away after he told me that friends compare him to Kim Cattrall's character, Samantha. I probably looked shocked after he said that. So you're probably wondering what characteristics he and Samantha share? He told me that they are both judgemental and bitchy. Huh? And I had thought I've heard it all! I'll raise a martini to that.
You can check out my live report on KTLA.com in the "Entertainment" section or you can click on the link that's located on the ride side of this blog. Cheers!