Snakes, whips and of course, Indiana Jones himself, Harrison Ford. There's plenty of all three in the fourth Indy film, Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Honestly, does this guy age? Harrison has played Indiana Jones for the past three decades...beginning in 1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark.
This new movie, released today, is set back in 1957 and introduces us to two new characters: Mutt Williams played by Shia LeBeouf and the evil Irina Spalko played by Oscar winning actress Cate Blanchett.

Also in the movie, Karen Allen, who played Indiana's love interest back in Raiders of the Lost Ark. She's still workin' it after all these years!
I was at the Universal Citywalk Cinemas last night to cover the midnight screening of the movie. Die-hards were dressed up as their favorite character in the film, and a snake handler was entertaining the crowd...with over 10 different reptiles. One of them was a huge Eqyptian Cobra, a poisonous snake featured in Raiders of the Lost Arc. Let's just say, I was glad that one was caged.

This movie is predicted to sweep the box office this weekend. As for reviews, they're mixed, but who can pass up an Indiana Jones movie? Come on, it's been 19 years since The Last Crusade came out, so fans are beyond ready for some action! The first three Indiana Jones movies have earned a total of 7 Oscars, and the money generated over the years is mind-blowing...1.2 billion dollars! After this weekend, you'll probably be able to add another 100 million to that total. Forget "Crystal"...the movie's name should be changed to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the "Diamond" Skull!
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