This begs the question, are these beauty treatments "grooming" our kids to be too sexy, too soon? Salons, who provide these services to young clients, say it's a matter of "hygiene". But psychologists who have weighed in say that this is sexualizing young girls. They say it's one thing to paint a little girls nails, but the bikini waxing has taken it a bit far.

But when you think about it....look at Miley Cyrus, a star that every young kid is idolizing right now. She's rockin' designer party dresses and stilettos, not to mention heavy makeup, false eyelashes, risque MySpace pictures and the infamous Vanity Fair cover. Remember, she's only 15! And let's not forget Gossip Girl...TV's hottest new show targeting teens. Every episode is filled with underage drinking, drugs and teen sex. There was footage on TMZ.com that showed fans mobbing the stars of the show in NY....screaming "we love you and we love the show!" But this mob of screaming fans were mostly grade school students! Is this a sign of the times?

What's next...7th graders getting together for a girl's night out to catch the new Sex and the City movie? Good luck parents.