Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hands Off

Bust out your Bluetooth! No more hours of yapping on the phone while sitting in traffic...at least, not with your cell phone to your ear. The Hands Free Law goes into effect today.

For many drivers, hearing that it will actually be illegal to hold your phone up to your ear while driving is hard to get used to. But the fines that you'll receive if you break this law may help you to get yourself in gear a lot quicker.

Here's a breakdown: 1st offense could run you up to $76 dollars, and each offense after that...about $190. This of course includes court costs, taxes, etc. But any way you look at it, it ain't pretty. Drivers already have enough to worry about when it comes to paying fees...speeding, parking tickets...you name it! I guess the answer is...don't break the law and you won't have to pay. It's easy to say, but is it possible? On those days I'm rushing to work...my answer may be no.

It's going to be very interesting to hear all the excuses that drivers come up with when they're pulled over for cell phone use. And here's a question, does this new law apply to law enforcement, too? That's one topic that hasn't been discussed. But I'm sure a bitter driver who receives a cell phone-related citation will be investigating this matter.

On that note, I better go charge my Bluetooth. See you on the road....with BOTH hands on the wheel!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Rollin' with The Derby Dolls

Punching, grabbing and hip-checking while on roller skates going at high speeds. That can only mean one thing...the Derby Dolls are in town.

In Downtown Los Angeles this weekend, the Derby Dolls All-Star teams from across the country will be hitting the track for the Battle on the Bank. There are over 275 teams across the country, including the LA Derby Dolls here in Southern California.

For this tournament, the ladies will be skating on a bank track...as opposed to a flat track. The bank track is slanted down, very reminiscent of the old school classic Roller Derby track that we used to watch on TV. Skating at a downward angle is extremely difficult and takes a lot of strength, but these roller babes have no problems getting around the track.

These Derby Dolls mean business when it comes to their sport. Injuries happen regularly....broken collarbones, sprained ankles, teeth knocked out, fractured legs...but to them, it's all part of the game.

One skater known as "Fighty Almighty" told me that it's not about taking out aggression, but instead focusing 100% on the sport and giving it your all. She said, "I would never take out aggression on the track, that's what the L.A streets are for when I'm driving." Whoa...watch out!

While I was taping my segment, I was called out by one of the ladies who told me that I couldn't handle them out on the track. Let's just say she was right.

You can watch my story, and my not-so-good attempt at roller derby, on KTLA.com

Friday, June 27, 2008

Guilty Verdict Brings Closure

Three years later, the families who lost a loved one in the 2005 Metrolink disaster in Glendale have finally received some closure. 29-year old Juan Manuel Alvarez has been found guilty of 11 counts of murder and one count of arson. The verdict won't bring their family members back, but Susan McKoewn, whose husband was killed in the wreck, says she feels relief. After the ruling, she had this to say: "I am so relieved that I can go home tonight and tell my kids...the man that killed their father is being punished rightfully."

Alvarez had parked his SUV on the Metrolink tracks in Glendale and doused it with gasoline. He says he was thinking of committing suicide and bailed out at the last minute. A Metrolink train going 80 mph crashed head on into his vehicle, killing 11 people and injuring 180 others.

I was sitting in the courtroom when the verdict was read and I have to say, watching the family members wiping tears from their faces was heartbreaking. Just outside the courtroom, many of them shared with me some special memories of their loved ones.

Tony Tutino, who lost his brother James, held on to a picture of the two of them...taken two months before the crash. He described their final goodbye.

"One of the things that was probably the most difficult for our family was that we didn't get a lot of closure when this happened because we never actually got to go see Jim and say our goodbyes. I had to say my goodbye through a coffin."

The victims' families will now have to wait until the penalty phase of the trial which is set to begin on July 7th. That's when Juan Manuel Alvarez will hear whether he'll face the death penalty or life in prison. You can watch my full report on KTLA.com.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Going Metro

To ride or not to ride...that is the question. With gas prices hovering just below 5 dollars, the metro is looking like a pretty good option right now. LA residents are jumping on the bandwagon, or shall we say metro car, in support.

Results of a new study out today show that 73 percent of LA County residents surveyed would support a proposed half-cent sales tax on the November 2008 ballot to fund transportation infrastructure improvements. These results couldn't have come at a better time. At this Thursday's Los Angeles Metro Board meeting, members will discuss this initiative...in the hopes of putting it in the hands of voters this November.

It was just last week on June 19th when commuters were urged to "Dump the Pump". The Third Annual National Dump the Pump campaign raised awareness of the financial and environmental benefits of public transportation. But did the campaign really make an impact? Honestly, the freeways were still packed on that day. I do have to admit though, it's hard to drive a mile without seeing at least 4 or 5 hybrids on the road...mostly the Toyota Prius.

Will the going green, going car-less trend catch on with LA and OC drivers? At the rate these gas prices are climbing, going metro may be the only wallet-friendly alternative. Let's hope that employers will lend their support to the cause and maybe offer some type of "metro" incentive. Sound too good to be true? It's not. The University of California, Irvine (UCI) has already begun the trend by offering to pay for a portion of their employees' weekly Metro Pass. Going green while saving some green...a win-win situation.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Controversial Comedian Passes

George Carlin has died at the age of 71. The comedian, known for his provocative and bold comedic routines, was one of the highest paid comedians in the 1970's. Best described an an unpredictable performer, Carlin was the first-ever host of NBC's Saturday Night Live, debuting on October 11, 1975. His most famous act? You may recall a little something called the "Seven Dirty Words". I would put some of them here, but if I did, it would be game over for me. But most likely you're familiar with the routine...and the words.

In 1973, this monologue was broadcast on the Pacifica radio network and was declared indecent by the government's Federal Communications Commission. The case was ultimately upheld by the United States Supreme Court. George Carlin became known as the comedian who uttered the "seven dirty words that can't be said over the air."

Twenty five years after this incident, he still didn't understand what all the fuss was about. Here's how he explained the incident...and no, he didn't use any of "those" words.

"I've always said I enjoy using all the language. Human beings invented all of this language. When I was a little boy, I was told to look up to policemen and look up to sports stars, and look up to the military. And we all know how they speak. Apparently it hasn't corrupted them morally. So. I think these words are overrated for their power."

We may not have seen the comedian a whole lot lately, but we've heard his voice. Most recently, he provided the voice of Fillmore, a hippie-like VW bus character in the Disney/Pixar animated feature Cars.

Provocative, yet extremely popular. George Carlin will be missed.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Got Bluetooth?

A week from Monday, the rules of the road are changing...at least when it comes to yapping and driving at the same time. I'm not sure everyone is taking this upcoming law very seriously. But I think it may be a wakeup call when you're getting pulled over by the cops...not for speeding, not for running a red light, not for an illegal left turn...but for being on your cell phone. I can't wait to hear all the excuses people will have when being ticketed. Here are some that will probably make the rounds: "It was an emergency!" "Oh, somebody called me...and I had to pick up." "Haven't had a chance to pick up a bluetooth device yet."

Here's a brief Q & A on the "two" new laws straight from the CHP website: (Warning: Some have been written by Captain Obvious)

Q: What is the difference between the two laws?
A: The first law prohibits all drivers from using a handheld wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle. Motorists 18 and over may use a hands-free device. The second law prohibits drivers under the age of 18 from using a wireless telephone or a hands-free device while operating a motor vehicle.

Q: What are the fines if I’m convicted?
A: The base fine for the FIRST offense is $20 and $50 for subsequent convictions.
With the addition of penalty assessments, a first offense is $76 and a second offense is $190.

Q: Will the conviction appear on my driving record?
A: Yes, but the violation point will not be added.

Q: Will there be a grace period when motorists will only get a warning?
A: NO. The law becomes in effect on July 1, 2008.

Q: Are passengers affected by this law?
A: No. This law only applies to the person driving a motor vehicle.

Q: Does the new “hands-free” law prohibit you from dialing a wireless telephone while driving or just talking on it?
A: The new law does not prohibit dialing, but drivers are strongly urged not to dial while driving.

Q: Will it be legal to use a Blue Tooth or other earpiece?
A: Yes, however you cannot have BOTH ears covered.

Come on, now. If you're driving with both ears covered, sounds like you have issues...and shouldn't be behind the wheel in the first place. You can read more about the "hands-free" law at www.chp.ca.gov

Good luck, multi-tasking drivers. Consider yourselves warned.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Little Boy Survives Extreme Torture

A 5-year old boy is finally getting the love and attention he deserves, and it's not from his mom.

The 24-year old mom Starkeisha Brown and her 21-year old girlfriend Krystal Matthews have been arrested for extreme torture on this little boy. Now we've learned a third women, a 26-year old babysitter, has also been arrested.

According to investigators, this 5-year old has endured the worst imaginable pain inflicted by these three women over the last several years. Police say they had no idea this abuse was going on, until now. A neighbor, who noticed the boy abandoned in his South LA home over the weekend, called police. The following details of this abuse will bring tears to your eyes because they're so beyond comprehension. The women are accused of burning the boy with cigarettes on his body and genitals, forcing him to sit in his own urine, burning his hands on a stove and extreme starvation...causing his stomach to protrude.

Over the weekend, I was covering the story while these three alleged child abusers were on the run, and I can't tell you how happy I was to hear that these monsters are now off the streets. To me, there's nothing more cowardly than abuse on a child, and the details of this abuse case just make me sick.

Doctors say the 5-year old is suffering from kidney failure because of malnutrition. A trust fund has now been set up for this little guy. You can find details on how to donate at our website... KTLA.com

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Tradition Ends

84-year old Ignacio Lujano's life has been dedicated to maintaining orange groves in the city of San Juan Capistrano. Every Father's Day for nearly 40 years, Ignacio has gathered on the 42 acres of land with his children, 25 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren...where they take time to celebrate the patriarch, who has lived here for almost four decades. But this year's celebration is going to be the last. The city of San Juan Capistrano is taking over the property, and forcing Ignacio to leave.

As sad as it is to see his family tradition end, the city does have the right to move forward with taking ownership. Back in 1992, the city bought the 42 acre orchard, which was a part of an open-space initiative. Lujano, who has never officially owned the land, was put on a month-to-month contract allowing him to live there in exchange for him maintaining five of those 42 acres. The city says that over the years, Lujano has not been keeping up his end of the bargain, and the city's Public Works Department has been picking up the slack...at the expense of taxpayers.

The city told Lujano of their plans a year ago, and say they've even helped him with the process of finding a new home. But Lujano has not accepted their help, and has refused to move off the land. He has now been given an ultimatum...leave the land by August 14th or face legal action.

According to the LA Times, San Juan Capistrano has plans to transform the area into a maintenance yard for their open space operations. Here's a statement from the city:

“The City understands and is sensitive to the fact that this is change and that change is often difficult. However, the City of San Juan Capistrano owns the property and is moving forward to use the property for its intended public and open space use.”

No one likes to see a family lose their Father's Day tradition, but the law is the law. You can watch my full report at KTLA.com.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Lakers Drop the Ball

Records were broken once again at last night's game, and it's not a good thing for the Lakers. No team had ever overcome more than a 15-point deficit after the first quarter and it was the largest comeback in the Finals since 1971, surpassing Houston's comeback from a 20-point deficit to Orlando in 1995.

97 to 91 was the final score, and the Celtics worked their butts off to get the win. Honestly, during the 2nd quarter, I probably felt like many viewers thinking we got this in the bag. Wow...were we wrong! The second half was a trainwreck, and the Lakers were certainly de-railed. Kobe said it best, ""We let a huge opportunity slip away." Then it cracked me up when he said that "they wet the bed" when he was describing their embarrassing performance during one of the biggest chokes in NBA Finals history. I wonder if this had to do with his comments about how much he was going to drink last night to try to forget about the game. In case you didn't catch it, here was his alcohol wish list: lots of wine, beer and about 20 shots. Sounds like the party was at Kobe's!

Game 5 is Sunday night at Staples. No team has recovered from a 3-1 deficit in the Finals. Will the Lakers beat the odds or drop the ball again?

Los Angeles dads are counting on Sunday night, which is Father's Day, to be a turning point in the series. No pressure.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rage at the Pump

Road rage, office rage, air rage..pretty common. Pump rage? Not so much. But now we can officially add that one to the list of anger issues. Yep, these high prices at the pump are driving people nuts...literally! A California doctor, who says a driver cut in front of him in a gas line, was arrested after he pulled out a tire iron and approached the car.

Dr. Antonio Reyes, 58, of La Palma, California, says he was waiting with a group of other motorists at the Costco pumps when a vehicle cut in front of him. That's when the doc grabbed the "weapon" and allegedly approached the man in the car. The driver of that vehicle locked himself in his car and called police.

When cops from the Cyprus Police Department arrived, they arrested the angry doctor on misdemeanor charges of suspicion of displaying a deadly weapon in a rude, angry or threatening manner. Dr. Reyes admits that the high gas prices have caused him to stress out. But threaten a man's life, too? Hey, I'm not liking the gas prices either, but I don't think that going postal is the answer.

But let's talk about this guy who allegedly cut in line. I'm sure he was no angel, and yes people who cut in any type of line are not only rude, but annoying. In fact, Dr. Reyes says the man flipped him off and called him the "F" word. You know we've been there...when someone cuts in line or flips us off and you think about the horrible things you'd like to do to them. It's just that you don't act on it! Come on, doc!

As for those gas prices, some analysts are saying that by July we'll be hitting $5 bucks a gallon, so expect lots of bitter people pumping gas next to you. Here's a little advice...keep those tire irons and crow bars at home! There are just too many temptations out there.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Beating the Odds

The Lakers are facing some terrible odds in the NBA Finals, but last night they proved that they're in it to win it. Kobe and the crew pulled off a win against the Celtics in Game Three...87-81. League MVP Kobe Bryant scored 36 points and had 7 rebounds...helping the team avoid a total blowout.

But despite the win, we have to talk about those free throw shots. What the ....? Kobe went to the line 18 times and missed 7 of them. After the game, he was able to laugh about it...especially since he was pumped that they won.

The seats in the Coliseum were filled with fans ready to see a victory, and those die-hards had shelled out a lot of money to be there. With nose-bleed tickets selling for thousands of dollars, they wanted their money's worth. Celebrities also turned out including David Beckham, Eddie Murphy, Steven Spielberg and of course, good ol' Jack. Hell, they're the only ones who can afford those court-side seats! Some ticket agencies had those court-side tickets going for as much as $40,000 a piece. I'm still having a hard time thinking about paying that much money for a ticket. Let's just say, my wife would not be happy.

Last night's win has guaranteed the Lakers two more games, both at the Staples Center. Game 4 is tomorrow, and with the Celtics leading the series 2-1, the Lakers better keep the momentum going!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lakers Fans Pay Up

The start of the NBC Finals has been nothing short of a buzzkill. A 2 - 0 lead by the Celtics is not only disappointing, but embarrassing. When Jay Leno starts using you in his jokes, you know it's bad. He took plenty of jabs at the Lakers last night during his monologue. So can the Lakers pull off a comeback? They're gonna need a lot of luck. Only three teams in NBA Finals history have ever come back from a 2 - 0 deficit.

After two disappointing days in Boston, the Lakers are finally playing at home and fans are throwing full support behind the purple and gold...and they're throwing plenty of green into the mix. Green...as in thousands of dollars for seats at tonight's game at the Staples Center. The seats up in the nose bleed start...yes, that's start...for $2600 dollars. And if you'd like to sit courtside, you may have to sell your car to get some additional dough. That's because one person is selling a courtside ticket for $37, 839! Honestly, you can buy the best plasma TV in town, throw an amazing party and still buy a car for that kind of money.

Will Kobe and the gang pull off a win tonight? Let's hope so because there's a lot of pride, and money, riding on it!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Night at the Prom

There are days when a story takes on a whole new level, and the people involved leave a lasting impression. That's how I felt after meeting 13-year old Samantha Ashburn, an 8th grader who suffered from a rare bone cancer called Osteosarcoma. After 10 months of chemotherapy, and several scars to prove it, her cancer is now in remission. With her mom Tina by her side, we sat and talked in their room at the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood, as Samantha got ready for prom, styling her newly re-grown short hair.

This prom experience is a dream come true for many patients like Samantha who have dreamed of a glamourous night like this for years, after suffering many emotional and painful years of cancer treatment. Even more exciting, this specially designed prom night was started by the Shiri Foundation, an non-profit organization started by 18-year old Fred Scarf, who lost his teenage friend and prom date, Shiri, to cancer.

The Shiri Foundation flew Samantha and her mom Tina from Sacramento to attend this event at the California Science Center at Exposition Park in Los Angeles. Samantha's mom was telling me that while she was visiting Osteosarcoma online chatrooms with other parents whose children are living with this rare form of cancer, one of those parents told her to check out Fred's website - Shiri.org. After doing so, she contacted Fred...and as a result, Samantha's dreams of going to prom have come true.

Fred Scarf, who started the Shiri Foundation, is an inspiration to many, and after reading his story on how he created this wildly successful non-profit organization, you'll know why I think the world of him. Honestly, to see the smile on Samantha's face as she arrived at her prom was an incredible moment. Learn more about the Shiri Foundation and Fred Scarf at shiri.org.

You can also watch my live report on KTLA.com

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Downfall of the SUV

Back in 2005, there was a prediction that General Motors Corporation would eliminate 30,000 jobs and close nine North American assembly, stamping and powertrain plants by 2008. Looks like that prediction has come true. GM announced today that they are closing four truck and SUV plants in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, affecting 10,000 workers. Dealerships have seen a 65% drop in truck sales from last year, and high gas prices are being blamed. I couldn't believe that here in Pasadena, a gallon of regular gas was $4.32, and it's only going to get worse.

Looks like more and more drivers are downsizing...hoping to save a buck at the pump. General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner said today that a market shift to smaller vehicles is permanent. He also said that the iconic Hummer brand will be reviewed and potentially sold or revamped. The GM board has approved production of a new, small electric vehicle called the Chevrolet Volt. It's pictured below.

GM has taken notice that vehicles like the Toyota Prius and Honda Civic Hybrid are flying off of the car lots, and they're hoping the upcoming 2010 Volt will give their business a jolt. It's no secret that foreign automakers are doing well. In fact, they've recently built or announced plans to build five U.S. assembly plants. Recent auto reports have shown that In 2007, foreign auto companies employed 113,000 people in the U.S., and that number is expected to rise to 152,000 by 2011.

Expect to see great deals on trucks and SUVs coming to a dealership near you. But it makes you think, even if you were to get the deal of the century, would it be worth it in the long run? It may be time to dust off the ol' bike.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Hollywood History Goes Up in Smoke

Universal Studios, where movies and TV shows are made, became the center of a real-life drama. Just before dawn on Sunday, the studio backlot caught fire, destroying several pieces of Hollywood history. The New York streets, the King Kong exhibit, the New England Streets and parts of Courthouse Square...all burned to the ground. These are sets that have been seen in a number of movies like Back to the Future, Spider-Man 2 and Transformers.

A video vault, carrying more than 40,000 videos, also went up in flames. Fortunately, all the videos were just copies, so Universal will be able to duplicate them. But at one point, the plastic video cases that were burning created heavy and toxic smoke, leaving many of the surrounding areas with polluted air. The fire burned for more than 10 hours, making it one of the longest running building fires in Los Angeles history.

On Monday, the LA County Fire Department confirmed that the fire was accidentally started by studio workers who were repairing a New York street scape. But a lack of water pressure in the park left firefighters frustrated. This dilemma certainly hampered the firefighting efforts. Investigators also discovered that the sprinkler system installed back in the 90's throughout the backlot, was overwhelmed and couldn't keep up with the flames. Universal Studios and the LA County Fire Department are now exploring ways to upgrade that sprinker system before this happens again.

As for those who traveled thousands of miles to see Universal Studios...you can imagine, they were furious. In fact, some guests told me that they were given misinformation on the phone from Universal. Many had called before arriving at the park, and said they were told that Universal Studios would be opening after-all. But in fact, that never happened. To help guests cope with the disappointing news, Universal handed out vouchers for a free visit within 45 days.

You can watch my live report on KTLA.com.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cougars Unite! SATC is back.

Stilettos, short skirts and plenty of cleavage, and no, I'm not talking about the movie. I'm describing the women at the theater. Thousands of female fans hit the Arc Light Hollywood last night for the opening day of Sex and the City: The Movie. After four years away from their characters...Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha are bringing sex back to this city! After talking to many of these L.A. moviegoers, I found out that the majority of women identify with Sarah Jessica Parker's character, Carrie. One woman told me that Carrie is complex and has issues...and that is why woman can identify with her. Hey, she said it...not me!

It's obvious that women of all ages are attracted to this movie more so than men, but I have to say, I did see a couple guys in line. Many of them told me that their girlfriends and wives dragged them to this movie. But after talking with them further, turns out they are bigger fans than their ladies. One guy blew me away after he told me that friends compare him to Kim Cattrall's character, Samantha. I probably looked shocked after he said that. So you're probably wondering what characteristics he and Samantha share? He told me that they are both judgemental and bitchy. Huh? And I had thought I've heard it all! I'll raise a martini to that.

You can check out my live report on KTLA.com in the "Entertainment" section or you can click on the link that's located on the ride side of this blog. Cheers!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mars Rocks...Literally

Mission accomplished! Our latest mission to Mars, 422 million miles away, is a success. The Phoenix, a 7 foot by 18 foot three-legged spacecraft, landed on the red planet's surface yesterday just before 5pm. It’s been 296 days since Phoenix left earth at Cape Canaveral in Florida with their 420-million dollar Mars mission. Can you guess what was there? Rocks! But what's underneath these rocks is what scientists are hoping to uncover.

The Phoenix Lander touched down in the polar terrain, and will start to dig through that rough surface. JPL scientists hope that the spacecraft will find signs of a habitable zone, an area rich with organic materials and liquid. This could determine whether or not life ever existed on the planet, and whether humans could one day survive in the atmosphere.

While I was at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena yesterday, there were some extremely tense moments as the Phoenix entered the Martian atmosphere...going 12,000 mph. Barry Goldstein told me that there's a 50 percent chance that the spacecraft would make a successful landing due to the harsh atmospheric pressure on the red planet. So you can imagine the cheering once it touched down. This mission on Mars will last three months. If you're wondering about the possibility of humans heading to Mars, JPL says that historic trip could be another 10 to 15 years away.

You can check out my live report on KTLA.com.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indy Cracks the Whip...Again

Snakes, whips and of course, Indiana Jones himself, Harrison Ford. There's plenty of all three in the fourth Indy film, Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Honestly, does this guy age? Harrison has played Indiana Jones for the past three decades...beginning in 1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark.

This new movie, released today, is set back in 1957 and introduces us to two new characters: Mutt Williams played by Shia LeBeouf and the evil Irina Spalko played by Oscar winning actress Cate Blanchett.

Also in the movie, Karen Allen, who played Indiana's love interest back in Raiders of the Lost Ark. She's still workin' it after all these years!

I was at the Universal Citywalk Cinemas last night to cover the midnight screening of the movie. Die-hards were dressed up as their favorite character in the film, and a snake handler was entertaining the crowd...with over 10 different reptiles. One of them was a huge Eqyptian Cobra, a poisonous snake featured in Raiders of the Lost Arc. Let's just say, I was glad that one was caged.

This movie is predicted to sweep the box office this weekend. As for reviews, they're mixed, but who can pass up an Indiana Jones movie? Come on, it's been 19 years since The Last Crusade came out, so fans are beyond ready for some action! The first three Indiana Jones movies have earned a total of 7 Oscars, and the money generated over the years is mind-blowing...1.2 billion dollars! After this weekend, you'll probably be able to add another 100 million to that total. Forget "Crystal"...the movie's name should be changed to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the "Diamond" Skull!

Check out my live report on KTLA.com in the "Entertainment" section, or you can click on the link that's located on the right side of this blog page.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Too Sexy, Too Soon

Coconut and Lemon Facials, Manicures and Bikini Waxing. Sound like normal spa treatments, right? But what if I told you that 11 year olds were getting them? When I heard that salons are now offering these services to kids and tweens, my jaw dropped. Salon Ouidad in New York City says 20% of their customers are kids under 14 years old. The owner says that she has kids as young as 6 and 7 years old coming in for chemical treatments. WHAT? Does anyone else find this disturbing?

This begs the question, are these beauty treatments "grooming" our kids to be too sexy, too soon? Salons, who provide these services to young clients, say it's a matter of "hygiene". But psychologists who have weighed in say that this is sexualizing young girls. They say it's one thing to paint a little girls nails, but the bikini waxing has taken it a bit far.

But when you think about it....look at Miley Cyrus, a star that every young kid is idolizing right now. She's rockin' designer party dresses and stilettos, not to mention heavy makeup, false eyelashes, risque MySpace pictures and the infamous Vanity Fair cover. Remember, she's only 15! And let's not forget Gossip Girl...TV's hottest new show targeting teens. Every episode is filled with underage drinking, drugs and teen sex. There was footage on TMZ.com that showed fans mobbing the stars of the show in NY....screaming "we love you and we love the show!" But this mob of screaming fans were mostly grade school students! Is this a sign of the times?

What's next...7th graders getting together for a girl's night out to catch the new Sex and the City movie? Good luck parents.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Smart Negotiating or Scare Tactic?

Several billboards in Monrovia have residents and business owners up in arms. The controversial, larger-than-life signs were put up by the Monrovia Police Officers' Association with a bold message: Caution: You're Approaching Monrovia. Higher Violent Crime. Fewer Officers Patrolling. The MPOA is hoping the billboards will help to gain public support for a 23 percent increase for the city's police force. Last March, the city council broke off negotiations with the officers' union after an offer of a 16.5 percent raise was rejected.

Residents and business owners feel these billboards are painting an unfair picture of their city, and they're not afraid to let their voices be heard. One Monrovia store owner says it's hurting her business. "I believe it’s not portraying what the city really is. We are not a dangerous city." Another business owner, who has had her Monrovia business for over 17 years, says she feels betrayed. "I hope that they get their act together and that they apologize to us because I don’t know how they’re gonna repair the damage in the breach of trust that they’ve created with those billboards." She goes on to say, "This worries me because police are supposed to have very high ethical standards and while most of our officers do, it’s clear that the police union in general does not."

So are these billboards welcoming criminals to the city by stating that there are "fewer officers patrolling?" One salon owner says yes. "They’re saying they’re not really equipped, they don’t have enough officers…and perhaps criminals will go and steal from residences or the salon."

While many residents understand that negotiating a higher salary is a normal process, they're on the fence when it comes to this type of tacic. The Monrovia Police Officers' Association has created a website to explain their billboards. www.monroviapoa.com

Is it smart negotiating or a scare tactic? You be the judge. Check out my full report on KTLA.com.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dennis Farina's Real-Life Drama

Actor Dennis Farina found himself on the wrong side of the law this past weekend. Most of you know him from his Law and Order days, when he played Joe Fontana, a New York Police Detective. The actor, who is starring right now in the Cameron Diaz-Ashton Kutcher comedy "What Happens in Vegas", was arrested on Sunday for carrying a loaded 22-caliber pistol through the TSA screening at LAX. He said that he had forgotten the pistol was in his briefcase. The problem isn't just that he had a loaded gun in his carry-on luggage, but it wasn't registered or licensed. That's why his charge was upgraded from a misdemeanor to a felony. After posting 35-thousand dollars bail, the actor was released from the Van Nuys police station. What many don't know is that he is a former Chicago police officer of 19 years. You'd think he'd know the laws concerning guns a little better than that. Even though he played a cop for years, as a character who carried a gun, there were no scripts here...and obviously no way to escape the media spotlight.

Farina is just the latest celebrity to get caught in some real-life drama involving weapons at the airport. Others celebs who have been busted....Snoop Dogg for gun possession at John Wayne Airport in Orange County and Brandon Boyd, the lead singer of Incubus, who was caught carrying a switchblade at New York's La Guardia International Airport. Both of these guys pleaded guilty. As for Farina, he'll face a judge at the Airport Courthouse in a few weeks, to hear his official charge. I'm still wondering...how do you "forget" that you have a gun in your briefcase?

The actor did release this statement, "I apologize to anyone and everyone that I have caused any embarrassment or inconvenience to. It is my own stupidity to find myself in this embarrassing situation." He went on to say, "I'll be spending the next few days kicking my own ass. No one is more embarrassed than myself."

You can watch my full report by copying and pasting this link: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/chi-dennis-farina-080512-ht,0,1140746.story