A week from Monday, the rules of the road are changing...at least when it comes to yapping and driving at the same time. I'm not sure everyone is taking this upcoming law very seriously. But I think it may be a wakeup call when you're getting pulled over by the cops...not for speeding, not for running a red light, not for an illegal left turn...but for being on your cell phone. I can't wait to hear all the excuses people will have when being ticketed. Here are some that will probably make the rounds: "It was an emergency!" "Oh, somebody called me...and I had to pick up." "Haven't had a chance to pick up a bluetooth device yet."
Here's a brief Q & A on the "two" new laws straight from the CHP website: (Warning: Some have been written by Captain Obvious)
Q: What is the difference between the two laws?
A: The first law prohibits all drivers from using a handheld wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle. Motorists 18 and over may use a hands-free device. The second law prohibits drivers under the age of 18 from using a wireless telephone or a hands-free device while operating a motor vehicle.
Q: What are the fines if I’m convicted?
A: The base fine for the FIRST offense is $20 and $50 for subsequent convictions.
With the addition of penalty assessments, a first offense is $76 and a second offense is $190.
Q: Will the conviction appear on my driving record?
A: Yes, but the violation point will not be added.
Q: Will there be a grace period when motorists will only get a warning?
A: NO. The law becomes in effect on July 1, 2008.
Q: Are passengers affected by this law?
A: No. This law only applies to the person driving a motor vehicle.
Q: Does the new “hands-free” law prohibit you from dialing a wireless telephone while driving or just talking on it?
A: The new law does not prohibit dialing, but drivers are strongly urged not to dial while driving.
Q: Will it be legal to use a Blue Tooth or other earpiece?
A: Yes, however you cannot have BOTH ears covered.

Come on, now. If you're driving with both ears covered, sounds like you have issues...and shouldn't be behind the wheel in the first place. You can read more about the "hands-free" law at www.chp.ca.gov
Good luck, multi-tasking drivers. Consider yourselves warned.